HSUP: The bridge between education and entrepreneurship (ENG)
HSUP: The bridge between education and entrepreneurship (ENG) Read More »
panelbeszélgetés inkubációs tevékenységekről és a jövőbe mutató tervekről. vezeti: Gyarmati József Nemzeti Innovációs Ügynökség, startup szakértő Résztvevők: BNL Start Partners, Lunar, etc.
How to build successful startups (ENG) Read More »
Marrying a venture capital firm with a Venture Studio is an intriguing model – money meets smarts, right? Is it that simple? How does it really work in a day-to-day manner? Imre Hild, CEO of Obuda Uni Venture Capital gives us insights into the implementation of such an unprecendented model in the middle of the
14.00-14.20 XPAND, International market entry program by NIÜ – Oláh István, Nemzeti Innovációs Ügynökség, Vállalati szolgáltatásokért felelős igazgató 14.20-14.40 Introducing the International Accelerator’s program offering foreign-born entrepreneurs the unique opportunity to live, work and develop their concept in the United States. – Angelos Angelou, Founder & CEO, International Accelerator 14.40-15.00 Firsthand from Southeast Asia – Szakál Iván, Nemzeti
Global Gateway: Accelerating Your International Expansion (ENG) Read More »
Imre and Attila will show a handful of cases where either the team dynamics, interests, communication or investor relations were not aligned. And yes, VC’s can fail too !